Open source language textbooks
Book guide
Tech guide Logo

This page describes technical details of working with NetLingua project.

Tools of the trade

You can help NetLingua in many ways. Not necessarily as a book developer. If you do not develop, all you need is a web browser (btw, Our web site does not support MS Internet Explorer 6) and (in the future, when we release some files) PDF reader.

Use our books, file bugs and feature requests, submit patches.

If you decide to join us as a developer, you are going to need subversion, GNU make and LaTeX. They all have their dedicated subpages. Read more there.

Web site

Our web site is generated from AsciiDoc text files. AsciiDoc is provided in the site project. You do not need to install it separately.

Web site is created automatically once a day from sources in subversion repository.